Restic Database Example


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Restic backup

Restic is a fast and secure backup program. The following example will use Restic to create a backup of a source volume.

A MySQL database will be used as the example application.

Creating source PVC to be backed up

Create a namespace called source, and deploy the source MySQL database.

$ kubectl create ns source
$ kubectl -n source create -f examples/source-database/

Verify the database is running:

$ kubectl -n source get pods,pvc,volumesnapshots

NAME                        READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/mysql-87f849f8c-n9j7j   1/1       Running   1          58m

NAME                                   STATUS    VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS      AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/mysql-pv-claim   Bound     pvc-adbf57f1-6399-4738-87c9-4c660d982a0f   2Gi        RWO            csi-hostpath-sc   60m

Add a new database:

$ kubectl exec --stdin --tty -n source `kubectl get pods -n source | grep mysql | awk '{print $1}'` -- /bin/bash

$ mysql -u root -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD

> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sys                |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

> create database synced;
> exit

$ exit

Restic Repository Setup

For the purpose of this tutorial we are using minio as the object storage target for the backup.

Start minio:

$ hack/

The restic-config Secret configures the Restic repository parameters:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
   name: restic-config
type: Opaque
   # The repository url
   RESTIC_REPOSITORY: s3:http://minio.minio.svc.cluster.local:9000/restic-repo
   # The repository encryption key
   RESTIC_PASSWORD: my-secure-restic-password
   # ENV vars specific to the back end
   AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: access


Start by configuring the source; a minimal example is shown below

apiVersion: scribe.backube/v1alpha1
kind: ReplicationSource
   name: database-source
   namespace: source
   sourcePVC: mysql-pv-claim
      schedule: "*/30 * * * *"
   pruneIntervalDays: 15
   repository: restic-config
      hourly: 1
      daily: 1
      weekly: 1
      monthly: 1
      yearly: 1
   copyMethod: Clone

In the above ReplicationSource object,

  • The PiT copy of the source data mysql-pv-claim will be created by cloning the source volume.

  • The synchronization schedule, .spec.trigger.schedule, is defined by a cronspec, making the schedule very flexible. In this case, it will take a backup every 30 minutes.

  • The restic repository configuration is provided via the restic-config Secret.

  • pruneIntervalDays defines the interval between Restic prune operations.

  • The retain settings determine how many backups should be saved in the repository. Read more about restic forget.

Now, deploy the restic-config followed by ReplicationSource configuration.

$ kubectl create -f examples/restic/source-restic/source-restic.yaml -n source
$ kubectl create -f examples/restic/scribe_v1alpha1_replicationsource.yaml -n source

To verify the replication has completed, view the the ReplicationSource .status field.

$ kubectl -n source get ReplicationSource/database-source -oyaml

apiVersion: scribe.backube/v1alpha1
kind: ReplicationSource
  name: database-source
  namespace: source
  # ... lines omitted ...
  - lastTransitionTime: "2021-05-17T18:16:35Z"
    message: Reconcile complete
    reason: ReconcileComplete
    status: "True"
    type: Reconciled
  lastSyncDuration: 3m10.261673933s
  lastSyncTime: "2021-05-17T18:19:45Z"
  nextSyncTime: "2021-05-17T18:30:00Z"
  restic: {}

In the above output, the lastSyncTime shows the time when the last backup completed.

The backup created by Scribe can be seen by directly accessing the Restic repository:

# In one window, create a port forward to access the minio server
$ kubectl port-forward --namespace minio svc/minio 9000:9000

# An another, access the repository w/ restic via the above forward
$ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=access AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=password restic -r s3: snapshots
enter password for repository:
repository 03fd0c91 opened successfully, password is correct
created new cache in /home/jstrunk/.cache/restic
ID        Time                 Host        Tags        Paths
caebaa8e  2021-05-17 14:19:42  scribe                  /data
1 snapshots

There is a snapshot in the restic repository created by the restic data mover.

Restoring the backup

To restore from the backup, create a destination, deploy restic-config and ReplicationDestination on the destination.

$ kubectl create ns dest
$ kubectl -n dest create -f examples/restic/source-restic/

To start the restore, create a empty PVC for the data:

$ kubectl -n dest create -f examples/source-database/mysql-pvc.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim/mysql-pv-claim created

Create the ReplicationDestination in the dest namespace to restore the data:

apiVersion: scribe.backube/v1alpha1
kind: ReplicationDestination
  name: database-destination
    manual: restore
    destinationPVC: mysql-pv-claim
    repository: restic-config
    copyMethod: None
$ kubectl -n dest create -f examples/restic/scribe_v1alpha1_replicationdestination.yaml

Once the restore is complete, the .status.lastManualSync field will match .spec.trigger.manual.

To verify restore, deploy the MySQL database to the dest namespace which will use the data that has been restored from sourcePVC backup.

$ kubectl create -n dest -f examples/destination-database/

Validate that the mysql pod is running within the environment.

$ kubectl get pods -n dest
NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mysql-8b9c5c8d8-v6tg6                          1/1     Running   0          38m

Connect to the mysql pod and list the databases to verify the synced database exists.

$ kubectl exec --stdin --tty -n dest `kubectl get pods -n dest | grep mysql | awk '{print $1}'` -- /bin/bash
$ mysql -u root -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| synced             |
| sys                |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

> exit
$ exit